Asahi Broadcasting Group Sustainability Policy
In line with our Business Philosophy, the Asahi Broadcasting Group will fulfill our mission and responsibilities as a media group, striving to achieve a sustainable society and improve corporate value on a sustained basis.
•Accelerate initiatives related to achieving the SDGs and other social issues.
•Promote cross-organizational ESG management throughout the Group.
•Pursue cooperation and synergies among all group companies through sustainability activities.
The ABC Group continues to evolve as a dynamic and creative corporate organization, adapting to social change and contributing to the development of society.
The ABC Group Business Philosophy expresses our commitment to achieving sustainable societies, while also serving as the basis of each component of our Group Vision.
ABC Group sustainability management follows the implementation framework and related policies below.

Based on the corporate philosophy, the Company has identified materiality, or issues that the ABC Group should prioritize, to address in creating sustainable societies and ensuring the stable enhancement of corporate value.