The Global Environment and Human Activity
These two concepts are closely intertwined with each other, as we all live on the same planet. This is why we respect the lives of both humans and other living creatures on Earth.
But, what kinds of lifestyles and ways of thinking are needed today to make that a reality? We come together with many different people to consider important questions, then disseminate information and take individual action.
In particular, we give top priority to responding to frequent and multifold natural disasters, and promise to advance efforts to relay information protecting lives and lifestyles.
- We will comply with laws and regulations on environmental conservation, promote the effective use of sustainable energy, control our energy consumption, recycle and reduce our waste generation, and lighten the environmental load caused by our Group's business activities.
- In order to pass on this irreplaceable global environment to our children who will lead the coming generation, we will pose questions and raise awareness about global environmental issues through Group-produced programs and Group-held events.
- In response to the natural disasters that are occurring with greater frequency as a result of changes in the global environment, we will convey information in a timely, appropriate, and reliable manner and in a way that is useful for disaster prevention and mitigation through broadcasting and other media.
- We will raise awareness of environmental issues among Group employees and work together with local communities in activities contributing to conservation of the global environment.
Endorsement of TCFD Recommendations and Information Disclosure
<Released on June 23, 2022>
Asahi Broadcasting Group Holdings Corporation announced its endorsement of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)* and disclosure of information based on TCFD recommendations as follows.
1. Endorsement of TCFD Recommendations
Asahi Broadcasting Group Holdings Corporation views climate change as one of the most important management issues facing the ABC Group. The Company believes that the TCFD provides an effective framework for implementing information disclosure related to climate change issues, etc. The Company declared its endorsement of the TCFD recommendations in May 2022.
In line with the TCFD recommendations, the Company will continue to disclose information on the impact of climate change on the ABC Group business activities and the measures taken to address the issues.

*Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
A task force established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) in December 2015 at the request of the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (G20) to reduce the risk of financial market instability as a result of climate change. The final provisions were published in June 2017, recommending the disclosure of information on the impact of climate change on business activities, as well as specific responses and strategies. This is a key point of information disclosure in the Revised Corporate Governance Code of 2021.
2. Disclosures Based on TCFD Recommendations
ABC Green Declaration
The ABC Group Aims for CO₂-Free Electricity by the Year 2025
(Declaration released on January 5, 2022)
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- Poster of the ABC Green Declaration
We announced the ABC Green Declaration, accelerating the group’s efforts toward sustainability.
The ABC Group was among the first to be involved in the solar power generation business in 2013 and other measures toward becoming an environmentally friendly broadcasting company. Having published the ABC Green Declaration, the group aims to contribute to the creation of green societies by pursuing a variety of environmental measures to further cope with climate change and other issues throughout the group.
(A) By 2022, the Osaka Headquarters Building will be powered by 100% renewable energy.
(B) The ABC Group aims to install LED lighting in all broadcast studios and other group facilities by 2025.
(C) Now and Forever! The ABC Group will continue to contribute to decarbonized societies through solar power and other green power.