The ABC Group strives as one to create sustainable societies, passing an abundant Earth and societies to future generations.


The ABC Group imagines the future 20 to 30 years from now. The COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid evolution of technology have changed values and lifestyles drastically, resulting in ongoing rapid changes to the business environment surrounding the Group. We always think of how to confront the various issues we face today, including global warming, biodiversity loss, and social inequalities based on gender, age, and disabilities.


Our Group looks to make significant growth, but we also bear the responsibility to pass on a healthy global environment and society to the next generation. We must reflect deeply on the role of our Group and our priorities in our efforts to achieve these goals. These are essential elements for the ABC Group to grow together with society. These elements are also important topics to discuss with our stakeholders.


The road to passing an abundant society to future generations is not an easy one. But we will not waver. We are determined to carry our commitment through to the end, armed with our strengths in creation and delivery. The ABC Group will continue to aim for a sustainable society.


Identifying materiality. Human resources as the source of all business activities.


In December 2023, the ABC Group identified materiality to address to further strengthen our sustainability strategy. We identified eight materialities.


Develop human capital who will create our future

Human resources represent the source of all our activities throughout our business areas. People are a means of production, expertise, and resources. It is no exaggeration to say that people represent everything. The ABC Group aims to empower women to the greatest possible extent. We aim for internal and external personnel from diverse backgrounds to interact, stimulating and inducing unique chemical reactions. Furthermore, the Group aims to nurture and support human resources to continue to take on bold challenges. We declared our Colorful@ABC Statement with these strong aspirations in 2022. We continue to invest in human resources and diversity and inclusion (D&I).


Use technology to enlighten the future

Responding rapidly to evolving technologies is an urgent issue for the Group. Instead of being beholden to AI, the ABC Group will leverage AI to increase productivity and create new value. We overcome these rapidly changing times by welcoming change throughout the entire Group.


Restore the health of the Earth for the next generation

Environmental issues are intensifying and represent a major risk to social development and business activities. It goes without saying that we all must address these serious issues. We must also aim to coexist not only with each other but with all living things on the planet. The ABC Group continues to raise the awareness of each employee about environmental issues, leading to positive actions in both their public and private lives.

Aspire to create societies that respect human rights and facilitate happy living for all

The ABC Group is founded on respect for human rights. This remains true no matter how unpredictable the times become. We emphasize the importance of human rights throughout the Group.


Remain a trusted media group

Trust is the lifeline of our core media business. To continue to be trusted is to continue to be chosen.


Strengthen governance and achieve sustainable growth

Strong governance is fundamental to healthy growth. We continue to use our dialogue with shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders to build a strong organization.


Contribute to the creation of brilliant communities

Vibrant communities lead to the growth of the Group. As a media company, we make every effort to support our communities.


Create a more abundant tomorrow through the power of content

The content we create travels worldwide and inspires many people and everyone can access and enjoy our content freely. Aiming for such a society, our value as a comprehensive content business group is to share attractive content.


Continuing to be a company that solves issues and meets stakeholder expectations


To identify our materiality, we held a series of discussions with managers from each group company, core members from front-line locations, and our management team over the space of one year. Throughout this identification process, we shared a sense of urgency across the Group and discussed our strong desires for the future. These are the materialities that we selected after thorough deliberation. Deciding how to implement these materialities is vital to achieving abundant and sustainable societies. These materialities represent the center of our sustainability strategy, and we work as one to resolve issues and set specific action plans and KPIs.


The ABC Group strives to grow through our contributions to society and meet stakeholder expectations.

Susumu Okinaka
Representative Director and President
Asahi Broadcasting Group Holdings Corporation