Asahi Broadcasting Group

Compliance Charter and Compliance Code of Conduct



As a corporate group with the broadcasting business as its core, the Asahi Broadcasting Group understands that we have a high degree of public and social responsibility. Every company belonging to the group must comply with laws, regulations, and internal rules. Further, every company must engage in compliance management through honesty and fairness, acting in accordance with social mores and ethical standards. We require all group officers and employees to act with an awareness of these expectations.


To achieve the purpose described above, we established the Asahi Broadcasting Group Compliance Charter and the Asahi Broadcasting Group Compliance Code of Conduct. We declare that all group officers and employees understand and comply with these documents.


April 1, 2018

Asahi Broadcasting Group Compliance Charter




We are aware and recognize that we are members of a corporate group with the broadcasting business as its core, and we strive for the betterment of communities and cultures in the spirit of peace and freedom.



We maintain a spirit of compliance with laws and regulations and high ethical standards based on social norms and mores. We earn the trust of society, engage in fair and sound activities reflecting this philosophy.



We provide quality content and services.
We broadcast accurate information without delay, offer enjoyable, wholesome programming to the public, provide other content and services that enhance viewer and customer satisfaction, and fulfill our social responsibilities.



We engage in fair transactions in compliance with laws and regulations. We strive for economic development through modest advertising that refrains from exaggeration.



We are committed to creating societies that value basic human rights and respect human dignity.



We proactively address environmental issues that impact the future of humankind.


Asahi Broadcasting Group Compliance Code of Conduct



1. Fulfilling our responsibility to society


We observe laws and social norms, act with common sense, and comply with internal rules.


We support and respect international norms related to human rights and protect the fundamental human rights of all people.


We broadcast accurate information and news without delay.


We provide content and services that embody integrity and contribute to healthy societies.


We respond promptly and in good faith to inquiries or complaints about the Asahi Broadcasting Group programs, content, information, and services.


2. Acting with integrity, fairness, and transparency


We engage in fact-based public-facing communications. We disclose socially useful information and strive for corporate transparency. We listen genuinely to feedback from society and reflect this feedback in our corporate activities.


We take a firm stand against pressure from antisocial groups or individuals, and we will not engage with such groups or individuals in any way.


We maintain a healthy distance from politics and government, keeping transparent and healthy relationships with politicians and governments.


We make donations appropriately in consideration of the social and public nature of our contributions.


We respect the intellectual property rights of others. We handle intellectual property in accordance with laws and internal rules, and we protect and manage our own intellectual property rights in an appropriate manner.

(6) We do not engage in insider trading, or in other words, the buying and selling of stock based on information obtained in the course of our business.
(7) We do not use our professional standing or corporate property for personal gain.


3. Maintaining fairness in business transactions


We comply with the Antimonopoly Act and other relevant laws and regulations, in addition to internal rules.


We keep social entertainment and the giving or receiving of gifts within the bounds of social norms. We strive to build sound relationships with our business partners. When dealing with government offices, we ensure that any social entertainment or gift-giving activities remain in compliance with the law.


4. Engaging in strict information control


We manage information in our possession appropriately. In particular, we control confidential and personal information strictly, striving to prevent leaks or other accidents.


We obtain or use information in the possession of or managed by others only through legal means. With respect to information in the possession or managed by others obtained in the course of our business, we do so only through legal means, handling and managing said information strictly and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


5. Committing to environmental conservation


We act from a global perspective, contributing to the conservation of the global environment through the effective use of resources, etc., in our business activities.


We engage with environmental issues through activities that include broadcast programming, information communications, and events.


6. Respecting the individuality and talents of employees


We respect the talents and individuality of each employee, striving to maximize the potential of our human resources.


We endeavor to eliminate harassment in the workplace, respect the human rights of our employees, and be a group in which a diverse collection of human resources works in comfort.

(3) We strive to prevent health hazards caused by workplace accidents and overwork. We raise awareness among employees and managers of health and safety, and strive to create healthy work environments.