Note:The following document is an English translation of the Japanese-language original.

1. Basic Policy

Asahi Broadcasting Group Holding Corporation (the “Company”) recognizes all of its many stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, the Asahi Broadcasting Group’s (the “Group”) viewers, listeners, advertisers, business partners, employees and local communities as supporters of the Group and ABC fans. Along with its current status and operating results, the Group conveys information on its management policies and growth strategies in a fair, accurate and accessible manner and strives to deepen understanding of the Group through robust communication with its diverse base of stakeholders.

In conjunction with timely and proper disclosure required by relevant laws and regulations, the Company also proactively announces matters beyond disclosure required by law. In terms of content, the Company strives to deliver high-value-added, accessibly expressed content tailored to the attributes and concerns of the intended recipient.


The Company encourages active dialogue with shareholders and investors who are focused on corporate value from a long-term perspective.

2. Content of Information Disclosure and Public Release

The Company strive to disclose and release to the public the content described below to produce high-value-added information.


(1) Financial information

(2) Business information

(3) Management strategy information

(4) Corporate governance information

(5) Sustainability information

3. Decisions Regarding Information Disclosure and Public Release

The content, timing and method of information disclosure and public release are decided by the executive officer who is in charge of handling information, both in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and after examination and confirmation with the manager responsible for investor relations (IR) and relevant divisions.

4. Method of Information Disclosure and Public Release

In addition to disclosure methods based on relevant laws and regulations, the Company strives to release information via its website, printed materials and other means, utilizing written information as well as videos, images and other tools.


The Company posts on its corporate website earnings reports, corporate overviews and its corporate governance policy in English. As the percentage of non-Japanese shareholders increases, we will strive to expand our disclosure and public release of information in English going forward.

5. Structure for Investor Relations Activities

The Company has developed the following system to encourage constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors, and to pursue proactive investor relations (IR) activities.


(1) Appointed an executive officer responsible for IR.

(2) Appointed a manager responsible for IR.

(3) The manager responsible for IR coordinates with the representative director and president, the executive officer responsible for IR, the executive officers of the relevant divisions, general managers, and IR personnel to examine the disclosure and public release of IR activities and information. 

(4) As a basic rule, representative directors or executive officers are responsible for face-to-face discussions with shareholders and investors, with the decision made rationally based on shareholder and investor attributes and interests, with support provided by the General Affairs Division personnel.

6. Method of Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors

The Company utilizes the following methods to conduct dialogue with shareholders and investors.


(1) Face-to-face individual meetings notably with principal shareholders and institutional investors

(2) Earnings briefings held for institutional investors and analysts (twice annually)

(3) Annual publication of integrated report

(4) Various information posted to the corporate website

(5) Publication of shareholder correspondence (business report)

(6) Others

7. In-house Feedback

Opinions and proposals from shareholders and investors collected from face-to-face meetings, briefings and other venues are recorded and preserved, then reported as needed to representative directors, the Board of Executive Officers and others, where they are reflected in future management planning and IR activity policies.

8. Management of Important Facts and Information

In accordance with insider trading regulations and fair disclosure rules, the Company appropriately controls important facts and information during discussions with shareholders and investors as stated below.

(1) In accordance with internal regulations, we verify the existence of as-yet undisclosed but material facts and avoid discussing such matters with shareholders and investors.

(2) A “silent period” is observed three weeks prior to the announcement of financial results each quarter, during which we refrain from answering or commenting on inquiries pertaining to financial results.

(3) The Company will promptly release information conveyed at its earnings briefings, etc. on its corporate website. Important facts contained therein will be released at the same time as at the briefing.

9. Ascertaining Actual Shareholders

As necessary, the Company strives to properly ascertain the identity and trends surrounding its actual shareholders domestically and internationally.

(Resolution of the Board of Executive Directors on November 9, 2015)

(Revision on March 6, 2018 / Implementation on April 1, 2018)

(Revision/Implementation on June 19, 2018)

(Revision/Implementation on June 11, 2019)

(Revision/Implementation on June 16, 2020)

(Revision/Implementation on June 15, 2021)

(Revision/Implementation on April 1, 2023)

(Revision on March 5, 2024 / Implementation on April 1, 2024)